Sunday, March 27, 2016

Lake Somerville, Nails Creek Unit, 5/17/13 - 5/19/13

Our first official State Park camping trip!!  It was Aaron's birthday weekend, so Justin and Evie joined us on Friday afternoon at the park.  Our campsite was number 28.  We walked the lakeshore, the Nails Creek Trail, Justin and Aaron fished.  Justin and Evie were only able to stay one night, so Saturday Aaron and I were on our own.  It turned into a brutally hot day and our campsite was in full sun, so we explored the local sights in Dime Box and Burton in the air-conditioned comfort of our car.  There wasn't much to see or do in Dime Box, but Burton was really cute and we found a little store for cold cokes.  Sunday we left.

Lake Somerville is close to Brenham which has a lovely little courthouse in the middle of its square, along with several delicious restaurants, cute shops and the historic Ant Street Inn.  There are several wineries nearby, the Blue Bell ice cream factory, and the county airport still operates an airport cafe.

Campsite 28.

Lake Somerville

Lake Somerville at sunset.

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