Sunday, April 10, 2016

Palmetto State Park, 6/7/14 - 6/8/14

13.  This park visit was a last-minute decision based on our disappointment in the Yoakum Tom Tom Fest and nearby camping.
We had heard about the Tom Tom Fest from a BBQ cookoff we stumbled upon - one of the cookers had awards from the Tom Tom Fest, so we were intrigued.  Saturday we drove to Yoakum and went straight to the private RV park to drop off the Scamp.  The park was buggy and hot, but we were on a mission. When we got to the festival, we discovered that the BBQ cookoff had already happened, so there wasn't much going on at that point.  (The website didn't have a detailed schedule posted.)  So we decided to get the trailer and head homewards or come up with Plan B on the road.
While studying the maps, I remembered that Palmetto was on our way home, so we called the Ranger Station to inquire about availability, got the last available site, and headed into Gonzales' HEB for dinner fixings.  Once we got the trailer set up in site #5, we hiked a couple of trails and then made dinner.
Sunday we hiked another 2 trails before we left the park.
Palmetto is a lush, shady, swampy riverfront park.  It's small, but gorgeous and was built by the CCC in the late 1930's.
Scampsite #5.

A swamp along one of the trails.

CCC-built Refectory.

CCC-built water tower, bottom.

CCC-built water tower, top.


Artesian spring near the tent sites.

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