Monday, November 21, 2016

Government Canyon State Natural Area, 11/21/16

43. We brought our parents here for a day trip while Mom and Dad were visiting from Colorado.  We hiked the Joe Johnston trail to the dinosaur tracks and then Aaron and I also hiked the Canyon Overlook trail just to where we could see the tracks from above.  It was a lovely trail, not a lot of elevation change, some smooth flat areas, some rather rocky parts.  The dinosaur tracks were under water, so that made it harder to see them, but the view from the Overlook was pretty good.

Government Canyon is on the northwest side of San Antonio, so not close to the courthouse or Riverwalk, but we did stop at Freetail Brewing on the way home for beers and an early dinner.

Aaron at the top of the canyon.

Government Canyon Creek.

Dinosaur tracks.

Sign about the tracks.

Government Canyon Creek from above. 

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