Sunday, December 17, 2017

Copper Breaks State Park, 11/22 - 11/25/17

55. Copper Breaks State Park - Scampsite #3.  This is a smaller park, but full of interesting terrain.  It is completely walkable if you walk a lot already, but many people brought bicycles for getting around.  We were there for Thanksgiving, and so were several large family groups.  Once the park got dark though, things got very quiet. Copper Breaks is a small, muddy "lake" that is dammed up perpendicularly to the Pease River.  There was almost no waterfowl, but lots of sparrows, robins, bobwhites and redwing blackbirds.  The landscape is hillier and rockier than Lake Arrowhead was, so the hiking was more interesting.  We hiked all of the Bull Canyon trail, Rocky Ledges Loop, and Juniper Ridge Nature trail. 

View of Lake Copper Breaks at sunset.

Our Scampsite at sunset.

Pease River.

3-D map of the park.

Scampsite #3.

Permian-era ripples in the sandstone.

Copper Breaks hiking.

Copper Breaks is located between Quanah and Crowell, both of which are county seats.  We did some grocery-shopping in Quanah and the courthouse there is lovely.  There is also an old building that has been turned into a museum.  When we visited Quanah while we were courthousing, the town had miniature replicas of the courthouse made and for sale, although that particular day they were out of stock.  Quanah is proud of their lovely little courthouse! 

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