Saturday, April 13, 2019

Bonham State Park, 3/19/19 - 3/22/19

71.  Scampsite #1, Bonham State Park is a CCC park with LOTS of CCC-built things to see. This park also has serious mountain bike trails and a group camp facility - bunkhouses, dining hall, shower building, etc.  There are only 21 campsites total and the lake is quite small but lovely.  According to the locals we talked to at the park, the fishing is good too.  The hiking trails are relatively easy, although the mountain bike trails do have some elevation changes. 

Scampsite #1.

Bonham State Park Lake.

CCC-built entrance.

CCC-built bridge.

CCC group tent area.

CCC water tower, no longer in use. 

CCC fireplace and seating / stone sofas - more comfortable than they look!

The Group barracks.

Bonham State Park is near Bonham which is the county seat.  The courthouse is in the process of restoration, but Bonham has several antique shops and a candy shop.  The park is also near Ladonia, which is famous for its Cretaceous era fossil beds in the Sulphur River.  Ladonia has a charming restaurant called Pig and Whistle at which we had a huge lunch after fossil-hunting. 

Fannin County courthouse, Bonham. 

A fossil I found in the Ladonia Fossil Beds.

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