Sunday, January 26, 2020

Possum Kingdom State Park, 12/30/19

74. We didn't camp here this time - turns out the biggest camping area is closed in the winter, so campsites are limited anyways.  We did hike all 3 miles or so of the trails, which took us through the primitive camping area.  The lake is a huge one, with numerous inlets and coves, and in the warmer months, is quite popular with boaters, fishermen and partiers.  Apparently the lake has hosted an international cliff diving competition and also puts on one of the better 4th of July fireworks shows in the state.
Front entrance gate. 

Pano of the lake from one of the primitive campsites.

View from the top of the hill. 

View of the campground and day-use area. 

One of the artistic features of Possum Kingdom State Park. 

The hiking trail. 

There isn't much near Possum Kingdom but because of that, it's pretty quiet in winter.  

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