Saturday, April 14, 2018

Fairfield Lake State Park, 3/11 - 12/18

58. We got Scampsite #93, in the middle camping area.  There are 3 camping areas: one was closed for remodeling, ours, and then the one that had just reopened after remodeling.  It's nice to see maintenance being done on the parks.  The hiking trails are not close to the campgrounds, I think this park is much more about fishing and boating and the location of the trails felt a little bit like an afterthought.  It is a big park though, on a big power plant lake, so there is a lot of room for it to be spread out.  We hiked all the trails, saw lots of birds, and woke to a chilly morning in the low 40's!

Scampsite #93

Hiking trail

Lake view from the trail.

Ruby-Crowned Kinglet

White-Breasted Nuthatch

Nearby attractions:  Fairfield Lake is near the town of Fairfield, which is a county seat and has a cute little courthouse.  The first time we went to Fairfield (courthousing), as we were walking past the attached jail, I said loudly, "Anybody in there?" and an inmate yelled back at me!  It was so startling and funny - most of those old, attached (or nearby) jails aren't in use anymore.  (It actually made us start noticing which counties still use their old jails.)  

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