Saturday, April 14, 2018

Martin Creek Lake State Park, 3/12 - 13/18

59. Scampsite #53.  We got a beautiful site, and since it was so close to our last park (Fairfield Lake), we were able to have a late lunch before walking around on the island!  Seven years ago, when we stayed here while courthousing, we brought a 2-person kayak, along with all our camping gear (we didn't have the Scamp then) and we kayaked out to the island and camped on a beachy cove.  This year, the lake level was high enough that we couldn't find our cove! We hiked several trails and saw 4 different woodpeckers!  Martin Creek Lake is another power plant lake, but not as big as Fairfield, so no big boats allowed.

Scampsite 53

View of the island from the parking lot.

Power plant on the other side, seen from the island.

The swimming beach and picnic area. 

The Pine Plantation, on the Harmony Hill Loop trail.

The power plant at night, from our Scampsite.

Sunrise at our site.

Sunrise at our site.

Scampsite 53 from the lakeshore.

Hairy Woodpecker

2 Pileated Woodpeckers

Red-Bellied Woodpecker

Red-Headed Woodpecker

Nearby attractions: Henderson is a county seat and hosts a Heritage Syrup Festival in the fall.  

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