Monday, August 15, 2016

Barton Warnock Visitor Center, 3/18/16

41. This was a stop on the way home.  We drove out through the River road, which is one stunning view after another.  This VC is for River Road campsite check-ins; there are lots of picnic tables, a nature garden, and cool maps for sale that the Saucedo Ranger Station IN the park didn't have.  Definitely worth a stop.

View from River Road.

Barton Warnock Visitor Center. 

The nearest county seat is Marfa, which is a Texas gem.  Marfa is home to a gorgeous old courthouse, the historic hotel where the cast and crew of "Giant" all stayed, a huge art scene, diverse lodging opportunities, restaurants and shops, Prada included.  And of course, the Marfa Lights. 

Big Bend Ranch State Park, 3/15 - 3/18/16

40. Primitive campsite, Rincon 1.  We traveled here with Aaron's parents and 4 of their friends, all of whom are avid off-roaders.  On the way here we stayed in Ft. Stockton - a good idea to split the journey because the dirt roads within the park make for slow going.  If we had tried to drive from Austin in one day, we would have been navigating seriously off-road jeep trails in the dark.  It was 27 dirt miles from Presidio to the Ranger Station and another 15 to our campsite on unmaintained roads.  We knew our campsite would be primitive so we brought one gallon of water / person / day and had about 2 gallons left at the end (we gave it away).  We brought 5 gallons of extra gas.  All cooking was boil-in-bag or cold - we didn't want to waste water washing dishes.  And we all brought bucket toilets, newspaper, toilet paper, and multitudes of trash-compactor bags (thicker than regular trash can liners).

The shade shelters helped a lot, but sunscreen is a necessity.  A free-standing shade canopy would have been a nice addition.

We didn't see any rattlesnakes (whew!), but saw lots of quail, rabbits, deer and wild burros (available for adoption immediately).

We had some amazing hikes in canyons to Mexicano Falls and to the mesa above the Crawford-Smith Ranch.  Aaron also hiked to the top of the hill nearest our campsite.  Big Bend Bluebonnets were blooming like crazy and we found springs and waterfalls in the canyons.  In all 3 days, we only saw 2 other people: a cyclist on the road and one person hiking on the mesa across the canyon from us.
This is where you leave the pavement.

Burros en route to our campsite.

The unmaintained road into our campsite.

Handprint rock art on the way to our site.

Our caravan.

Rincon 1 campsite.  That's our tent on the right.

Pano of the Flatirons from our campsite.

Our bucket loo and the view.

Mexicano Falls.

Pools at Mexicano Falls.

Aaron on top of the nearest hill.

Crawford-Smith Ranch ruins.

Crawford-Smith Ranch ruins.

Cairns marking the trail on the mesa.
Pano of Fresno Canyon from atop the mesa.

Ready to hike! 

Hiking up the mesa behind the Ranch.

Close to the top of the mesa.

The nearest county seat is Marfa, which is a Texas gem.  Marfa is home to a gorgeous old courthouse, the historic hotel where the cast and crew of "Giant" all stayed, a huge art scene, diverse lodging opportunities, restaurants and shops, Prada included.  And of course, the Marfa Lights. 

Fort Leaton State Historic Site, 3/15/16

39.  This is a day-use only park, so we visited on our way to Big Bend Ranch State Park.  The fort is a cool old set of buildings, with interesting things to see inside - parts of it are furnished as it would have been when it was a trading post from 1848 - 1927.

Fort Leaton doorways.

Fort Leaton yard.


Sitting Room.

The nearest county seat is Marfa, which is a Texas gem.  Marfa is home to a gorgeous old courthouse, the historic hotel where the cast and crew of "Giant" all stayed, a huge art scene, diverse lodging opportunities, restaurants and shops, Prada included.  And of course, the Marfa Lights. 

Battleship Texas State Historic Site, 1/18/16

38.  In between visiting the top of the San Jacinto Monument and the hiking trail, we also visited the Battleship Texas, which is the last of the "dreadnoughts" in the world.  She was commissioned in 1914, and is the only surviving battleship to have served in both world wars.  She was retired in 1945, after safely returning 5,000 troops from the Pacific to the United States and has been in Texas since 1948.

Battleship Texas.

Battleship Texas.

View of the San Jacinto Monument from the Battleship Texas.

Battleship Texas.

The nearest county seat to this park is Houston, which is an amazing city.  In addition to too many breweries to explore in one weekend, of course it has world-class museums, restaurants, hotels and recreational opportunities for any sport imaginable.  The old courthouse is a museum now and is stunning inside.  

San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site, 1/18/16

37. We were in Houston for a weekend of brewery exploration and decided to add this one on at the last minute - we weren't quite ready to go home yet!  The Monument commemorates the battle between General Sam Houston and Santa Anna's Mexican army which Texans won through Houston's surprise attack.
We took the elevator to the top and also hiked the trail, part of which was closed due to flood damage.

Approaching the Monument.  

San Jacinto Battleground Monument stands 570 feet above ground, which makes it the tallest masonry structure in the world.  

View from the top.  Battleship Texas in the water.

Battleship Texas seen from the top of the San Jacinto Battleground Monument.

The trail at the Battleground.

The nearest county seat to this park is Houston, which is an amazing city.  In addition to too many breweries to explore in one weekend, of course it has world-class museums, restaurants, hotels and recreational opportunities for any sport imaginable.  The old courthouse is a museum now and is stunning inside.  

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Huntsville State Park, 12/28 - 12/31/15

36. Scampsite #52, wow!  What a great park! We hiked all over the whole park.  We had dinner one night in Conroe at the Red Brick Tavern and breakfast at the Fish Pond.

CCC Lodge.

CCC Lodge from the other side of Lake Raven.

Scampsite #52.

One of the many hiking trails.

Lake Raven Dam.

Boardwalk on the trail.

The nearest county seat is in Huntsville, which is also a Texas Main Street City.  The Sam Houston Memorial Museum, many shops and restaurants can be found there, as well as a large number of disc golf courses!

Estero Llano Grande State Park, 12/25/15

35. We walked around the ponds and marshes and saw lots of birds.  The Visitor Center was not open, but the park was.

Visitor Center.

View of the Ibis Pond.

Visitor Center from the boardwalk.

Brownsville is the nearest county seat to Estero Llano Grande.  Brownsville is a bustling city, complete with museums, restaurants of all cuisines, and any kind of shopping imaginable.  There are several World Birding Centers around the Brownsville area as well.

Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, 12/24/15

34. We birded here with Aaron's parents, Mark & Sherry.  We got there early enough to rent bicycles and we rode the big loop, stopped at the feeders and bird blinds, and hiked 2 trails.

Our bicycle rentals.

The Hawk Tower trail.

Resaca Vieja Trail.

A Green Jay bathing.

Brownsville is the nearest county seat to Bensten-RGV.  Brownsville is a bustling city, complete with museums, restaurants of all cuisines, and any kind of shopping imaginable.  There are several World Birding Centers around the Brownsville area as well.

Resaca de la Palma State Park, 12/23/15

33. We birded this park with Aaron's parents.  We got there too late to rent bicycles, and only in time for a quick tram tour and short hike to a resaca.  From the tram, we saw a coyote running along the road!

The resaca down Hunter's Lane.

Grasslands from the tram.

Coyote on the road! 

Brownsville is the nearest county seat to Resaca de la Palma State Park.  Brownsville is a bustling city, complete with museums, restaurants of all cuisines, and any kind of shopping imaginable.  There are several World Birding Centers around the Brownsville area as well.

Port Isabel Lighthouse State Park, 12/22/15

32. This is the smallest state park in Texas.  We walked up the stairs with Aaron's parents, took in the view, then proceeded to lunch afterwards.

Port Isabel Lighthouse.

Stairs up.

The view!

At night. 

Brownsville is the nearest county seat to Port Isabel.  Brownsville is a bustling city, complete with museums, restaurants of all cuisines, and any kind of shopping imaginable.  There are several World Birding Centers around the Brownsville area as well.