Monday, August 15, 2016

Barton Warnock Visitor Center, 3/18/16

41. This was a stop on the way home.  We drove out through the River road, which is one stunning view after another.  This VC is for River Road campsite check-ins; there are lots of picnic tables, a nature garden, and cool maps for sale that the Saucedo Ranger Station IN the park didn't have.  Definitely worth a stop.

View from River Road.

Barton Warnock Visitor Center. 

The nearest county seat is Marfa, which is a Texas gem.  Marfa is home to a gorgeous old courthouse, the historic hotel where the cast and crew of "Giant" all stayed, a huge art scene, diverse lodging opportunities, restaurants and shops, Prada included.  And of course, the Marfa Lights. 

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