Thursday, August 11, 2016

Monahans Sandhills State Park, 3/18 - 19/15

Scampsite #25 was our final choice (first assignment was in the middle of a giant puddle).  We met our friends for some dune action, but they left shortly after we all got there.

Scampsite #25.

Scampsite #25 from the road.

We saw our first other Scamp in Texas!!!  The owner, Doug, is a scorpion biologist from Oklahoma University, studying scorpions' homing instinct. We climbed the dunes, walked to the Visitors' Center and walked the Nature Trail there.   Sunset was stunning!

Sunset in the Sandhills.

Thursday morning we woke up early enough to climb the dunes and watch a spectacular sunrise!

Sunrise in the Sandhills.

Monahans is the nearest county seat;  it is home to the 1928 Million Barrel Oil Tank and Museum.

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