Thursday, August 11, 2016

Pedernales Falls State Park, 2/21 - 2/22/15

21. Scampsite #64, we found hordes of Boy Scouts upon arrival again!  We arrived Saturday morning, put together lunches and set off to hike the 5.5 mile loop trail.  After that, we rested a little and then hiked to the Twin Falls Overlook.   Sunday morning we visited the bird blinds, which were fabulous, and then went to the Falls and climbed around a bit.  

Us at the top of the loop.

Scampsite #64.

Twin Falls.

Birding blind.

Pedernales Falls.

Johnson City is the nearest county seat and it's an interesting place too.  There is a burgeoning art scene, antique shops, a brewery, restaurants and coffee bar, and Lyndon B. Johnson State Park.  The courthouse is illuminated every Christmas with hundreds of lights and the local electric cooperative lights up its oak trees at the same time, making Johnson City an Illuminated Wonderland.  

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