Friday, August 12, 2016

Lyndon B. Johnson State Park and HIstoric Site, 5/17/15

26. Day trip! The Sauer-Beckmann Farm was wonderful - complete with volunteers dressed in historic style who demonstrated all kinds of interesting aspects of ranch life between 1900 - 1918.  We spent so much time at the farm that we almost ran out of time for the Ranch, so that was a little rushed.

Carpet of wildflowers at the State Park.

Sauer-Beckmann farmhouse.




Lyndon B. Johnson's hangar at his ranch (National Historical Park).

Johnson City is the nearest county seat and it's an interesting place too.  There is a burgeoning art scene, antique shops, a brewery, restaurants and coffee bar, and Lyndon B. Johnson State Park.  The courthouse is illuminated every Christmas with hundreds of lights and the local electric cooperative lights up its oak trees at the same time, making Johnson City an Illuminated Wonderland.  

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