Thursday, August 11, 2016

Balmorhea State Park, 3/15 - 3/16/15

22. Scampsite #5, we met our friends at the pool after we settled in.  The pool of course is what makes this park: upon construction by the CCC in the 1930's, it was the "world's largest spring-fed swimming pool."  San Solomon Springs pumps 23 million gallons of fresh water daily to the pool and local agriculture.
Scampsite 5.

One side of the pool.

The other side of the pool.

Aaron and his friend underwater with the fish!

After swimming, we had dinner at the Golden Goose Grill, inside a gas station.  The beer fridge was available for purchase and the food was good.  Once it got dark, we had a campfire, made s'mores and looked at the stars.  
The next morning we made breakfast, went back to the pool and had lunch at Cueva de Oso before continuing on to Davis Mountains State Park.

Balmorhea isn't really near any other towns, so it's perfect that we can camp there and spend a lot of time at the pool.  The town is very small, but the irrigation ditches from the Springs criss-cross all over town.  It really is a lovely oasis in the desert.

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